CBD Education

The popularity of CBD has inspired a renewed interest in cannabis-infused and hemp-derived products. Learn more about the science, legality, and current state of CBD with Chicago Cannabis Company.


Cannabis, CBD, and terpenes

  • Cannabis contains at least 480 different chemical compounds
  • Cannabis is a multi-molecule narcotic and non-narcotic plant
  • CBD and THC are only two of the compounds found in cannabis
  • Cannabis varieties contain different chemical profiles or compositions of cannabinoids and terpenoids

The ratios of cannabinoids and terpenes present in cannabis flowers are a meaningful profile of the plant’s genetic identity and chemical composition.

cannabinoids and terpenes

Cannabis Terpenes

Terpenoids or terpenes, widely encountered in nature, are the fragrance molecules that give cannabis its unique aroma and flavor. Terpenes are also potentially very therapeutic! Especially when combined with cannabinoids.

terpenes in cannabis

CBD Basics

  • CBD is a naturally occurring cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant
  • CBD is non-intoxicating unlike its counterpart, THC
  • Hemp-derived extract legally contains less than 0.3% THC but can contain high levels of CBD
  • Hemp-derived CBD is a great option for those seeking to benefit from the cannabis plant's potential medicinal and therapeutic properties without getting high

Why Use CBD?

  • CBD is widely used as an antioxidant supplement
  • Incorporating CBD into our daily routines can help promote proper functioning of the endocannabinoid system (ECS)
  • The ECS is one of the most important physiological systems to establishing and maintaining our health

Endocannabinoid System

  • Named after the plant that led to its discovery, the ECS is a crucial physiological system involved in establishing and maintaining human health
  • Endocannabinoids and their receptors (CB1 and CB2) are found everywhere throughout the body: in our brain, organs, connective tissues, glands, digestive system, muscular system, and immune system
  • The ECS plays an important role in regulating our mood, memory, appetite, and the sensation of pain

endocannabinoid system

Potential Medicinal Benefits of CBD

  • CBD has been shown to reduce the frequency of certain types of seizures
  • Preliminary research suggests it may also help with anxiety, schizophrenia, and other conditions
  • CBD is believed to aid in the process known as neurogenesis - which is responsible for new brain cell growth - possibly reversing harm caused by stress
  • May make pain feel less unpleasant and more tolerable

Preliminary Clinical Studies

  • Two studies found CBD reduced anxiety with public speaking
  • An animal study showed CBD applied on the skin could help lower pain and inflammation due to arthritis
  • One study demonstrated CBD potential to treat inflammatory and neuropathic pain
  • Studies suggest CBD may help with both falling asleep and staying asleep
  • Studies show that CBD significantly increases anandamide levels in the body, making CBD a possible therapeutic agent for depression and other related conditions

FDA letter to DEA

The FDA has advised the DEA to de-schedule CBD altogether, citing that:

  • “There is little indication that CBD has abuse potential or presents a significant risk to the public health.”
  • “No evidence for a classic drug withdrawal syndrome for CBD, and no evidence that CBD causes physical or psychic dependence.”
  • “CBD does not appear to have abuse potential under the Controlled Substance Act.”
  • “There is no signal for the development of substance use disorder in individuals consuming CBD-containing products.”
  • “It is unlikely that CBD would act as an immediate precursor to THC for abuse purposes.”


